The concealer undermined by a natural beauty tip (and free) spotted on TikTok

The concealer undermined by a natural beauty tip and free

  • News
  • Posted on 05/12/2021

    2 min read

    Is the concealer living its last hours? We can ask ourselves the question with regard to the success of a simple beauty tutorial posted on TikTok, and seen by several million people in record time. We see a young girl presenting an amazing beauty trick that allows you to get rid of her dark circles without having to pay a penny. Who says better ?

    If Instagram remains the social network of reference for beauty addicts, it cannot be denied that TikTok is taking up more and more space, especially with Gen Z, in terms of make-up tips and tricks. All is not necessarily good to take, however, as several testimonies (and hospital stays) have shown. It is therefore better to focus on the most natural tips which, in the worst case, will prove ineffective.

    One of the last videos to have made the buzz is intended for those and those who seek by all means to make disappear the dark circles which camp (sometimes for a very long time) under their eyes. And we know that make-up, if it seems essential to camouflage them, does not come to the end. Badly applied, or too much, it can even make them stand out instead of concealing them. A real nightmare (without exaggeration).

    The ice cube technique

    An influencer with some 300,000 subscribers, Erika Tello can boast of having ignited TikTok with a simple… ice cube. To get rid of her dark circles which, let’s say it, are not very pronounced, the young TikTokeuse started by completely emptying a lipstick, getting rid of what is called grape, then cleaning it, then filled it completely with water before putting it in the freezer. Essential step since it is the effect of the cold which makes it possible to overcome dark circles. As you can imagine, once frozen, the ice cube version lipstick is applied directly to the dark circles in question.


    Ameeee #fyp #aprendecontiktok #tipssaludables

    ♬ SugarCrash! – ElyOtto

    Seen and reviewed millions of times, the video seems to have inspired more than one user of the social network. Should we necessarily condemn a lipstick to enjoy the benefits of the cold? Nothing is less sure. If the shape of the lipstick seems perfectly adapted to that of the bags under the eyes, it seems that a simple ice cube will do the trick perfectly. It is indeed the cold that acts as a decongestant treatment, and not the container. It is ultimately the technique of “skin-icing”, which we were already telling you about last October.

    An ancestral method, “skin-icing” consists of passing an ice cube over your face for several minutes to benefit from the effects of the cold. A technique that would be beneficial against dark circles, as we have just seen, but also against acne, blemishes, or the formation of wrinkles, while improving blood circulation. This TikTok tip, if it is not in any way innovative, however, has the merit of bringing up to date a natural method that has already proven its worth and which allows you to no longer wastefully ruin yourself in make-up.

