Tag: municipal
26,000 municipal police officers called to strike on December 24 and 31
The inter-union calls on municipal police officers to strike on the evenings of December 24 and 31, to demand social benefits. An inter-union is calling on the 26,000 municipal police…
Minister whistles back at Utrecht: waiving municipal taxes is not allowed
Van der Zweth finds the decision incomprehensible. The PvdA faction leader knows that it is not allowed, but hoped that the minister would condone it. It is not without reason…
Decision in the municipal council: The alcohol zone in Sundsvall must be removed
There was a clear majority for the colloquially known as the “liquor park”, located in the immediate vicinity of the municipal hall in Sundsvall, to go. The proposal for an…
a victory in the municipal elections which confirms the surge of the far right – L’Express
It is a new local victory which confirms the progress of this anti-EU and anti-immigration formation. The far-right German party AfD won its first town hall in a medium-sized town…
Municipal housing costs have risen sharply: these are the outliers in the province of Utrecht
After several years of unrest among homeowners about the sharp increase in home values on which property tax is paid, the average WOZ value of homes will only increase slightly…
They demand a referendum on the municipal hall and school in Lomma
The initiators Johan Uldall-Jörgensson and Madeleine Loostrand have collected signatures for two questions for a referendum. The second concerns the debated construction of a new municipal building and the establishment…
GroenLinks and PvdA want to waive municipal taxes for Utrecht residents with low incomes
Cohabiting Utrecht residents with an income at social assistance level who have up to 15,000 euros in the bank will soon no longer have to pay municipal taxes if it…
Podcast Stadhuisplein: ‘Motion on Gaza and Israel in the municipal council is not useful’
Frits Lintmeijer, former councilor for GroenLinks, has difficulty with this subject in Utrecht politics. “You have to be very careful about bringing international politics into the city council.” Lintmeijer notes…
Lowest municipal tax in the county – a watershed in Ronneby
Collection for Ronneby, which is M, KD, SD and L together, has reduced the municipal tax by 17 öre for the 2024 budget proposal. This means that Ronneby has the…
Things are not going well for young Utrecht residents, municipal policy is failing
But this group does not receive the right help to feel better, the Court of Audit concludes. The waiting lists for mental health care are still long. People often have…