They demand a referendum on the municipal hall and school in Lomma

The initiators Johan Uldall-Jörgensson and Madeleine Loostrand have collected signatures for two questions for a referendum. The second concerns the debated construction of a new municipal building and the establishment of a high school in Lomma. The second question concerns the municipality’s plans to close two primary schools in Lomma.

– The high school and the municipal hall crowd out the conditions for conducting the core activities, says Madeleine Loostrand.

They have reached enough signatures in about two weeks.

– This is a unique opportunity for Lomma’s residents to have their say on these issues that are big and important for the future, says Madeleine Loostrand.


Robert Wenglén (M), chairman of the municipal board in Lomma, believes that the two issues are not connected.

– We are doing this in order to face the future in an economically and qualitatively good way.

He also believes that the board feels secure in the project with the construction of the high school and the new municipal building. However, he is self-critical about how politicians and the municipality have communicated about the decisions.

– Now we have to go out and meet the people and talk. Tell us why we do this and what the consequences are if we don’t do it.

Believe in referendum

With both petitions, according to the initiators, having received signatures from over 10 percent of the municipal residents entitled to vote, it is now up to the politicians to decide whether there will be a referendum.

In order for it to become a reality, it is required that a third of the people elected support the proposal for a referendum. According to Robert Wenglén, the Social Democrats, the Sweden Democrats and Fokus Bjärred do it.

– We don’t know how it will turn out. It is now 10 percent who have spoken. We went to the polls on this project and got 42 percent of the vote.

He hopes that one can be removed in connection with the EU elections at the beginning of June.

Is there any scenario where you see that you would listen to the initiative and decide to stop the construction?

– No.
