Tag: Migration
Sahar feels hopeful after the announcement from the Swedish Migration Agency
Six years ago, Sahar Soltani came to Sweden from Afghanistan with her family. The family has received several rejections, the latest rejection came only a few months ago. But after…
The Swedish Migration Agency: No more deportations of Afghan women
All women and girls from Afghanistan who apply for a residence permit in Sweden will now receive it. This is stated by the Swedish Migration Agency for TV4 Nyheterna. The…
AME, OQTF… Behind the acronyms, the lack of vision on migration policy
In France, there is a strange tradition which consists of summing up migration policy in an acronym. For a long time, the AME (state medical aid) was at the heart…
Migration crisis again – the EU is looking for a solution
The number of newly arrived migrants and asylum seekers has increased sharply, both across the central Mediterranean and other routes in Europe. It has led to heavy pressure on various…
Migration dispute between France and Italy – crisis meeting in Brussels
They come loitering along the road back into Italy. People who tried to enter France from Italy. Stopped and sent back to Ventimiglia, the Italian border town that has become…
Relocations, returns… The EU presents its action plan on migration
Paris had denounced the attitude “inadmissible” of Rome, and Rome an “aggressive, incomprehensible and unjustified” French reaction. After three weeks of arm wrestling between the two countries, and wandering, the…
Lidiia, 87, was to be deported to Russia – now the Swedish Migration Agency will carry out a review
Falu-Kuriren was the first to report on the development in the case surrounding 87-year-old Lidiia, who the Migration Agency had previously decided to deport as she “did not make it…
The Swedish Migration Agency believes in fewer instructions
48,400 Ukrainians had applied for asylum in Sweden until 1 November. An assessment this summer indicated that around 55,000 Ukrainians would arrive in 2022. But if the current trend holds,…
“European migration policy is both cautious and cowardly, even criminal”
On the occasion of the release this Thursday, November 3 of the collection of unpublished short stories SOS Méditerranée, Writers get involvedinterview with the writer Jean-Marie Laclavetine, project coordinator. Marie…
The government’s migration policy faces harsh criticism
The new government wants to reduce immigration to Sweden, among other things by making it less attractive to apply to Sweden and thus reduce the number of asylum seekers. For…