Tag: MEF
Mes, the opinion of the Mef: there are no risks in ratifying the Treaty
(Finance) – In a letter sent to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber regarding the ratification of the Treaty on the ESM, the Ministry of Economy and Financehe underlined…
BTP Green 2022, Mef: “Interventions on energy, research and the environment”
(Finance) – Implementation of projects to promote energy efficiency and renewable sources, modernization and sustainability interventions in transport, research on environmental sustainability, interventions to protect the environment and biological diversity,…
Iacovoni (MEF): new BTP Valore will be offered during the year
(Finance) – “Definitely new BTP Valores will also be offered during this year“. He stated this David Iacovoni, Head of Public Debt at the MEF, in an interview with GR…
Tax revenue, Mef: in the months January-April 2023 revenue up by 3.3%
(Finance) – In the period January-April 2023 le verified tax revenues iBased on the accrual basis, they amount to 150,907 million euros (+4,809 million euros) +3.3% compared to the same…
MEF, issued 4 billion of the new 15-year indexed BTP
(Finance) – The amount issued by the issue amounted to 4 billion euros Ministry of Economy and Finance for the first tranche of the new 15-year inflation-linked BTP. The bond…
MEF, VAT Numbers Observatory: openings in the first quarter
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – In the first quarter of 2023, 177,725 new VAT numbers were openedwith a decrease of 6.4% compared to the corresponding period last year. This was revealed…
MEF, 7 billion 12-month BOTs to be auctioned on 10 May
(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has announced the issue of 7 billion euro of 12-month BOTs (deadline 05/14/2024). The titles go to auction on Wednesday 10…
Tax revenue, MEF: revenue rises by 1.3% in the January-March period
(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) communicated that in January-March period 2023 le ascertained tax revenues based on the accrual basis, they amount to 113,169 million euros…
Ecofin, bilateral Giorgetti-Lagarde. Mef: “friendly and constructive” meeting
(Finance) – The Minister of Economy and Finance, Giancarlo Giorgetti, met the president of the European Central Bank in Stockholm, Christine Lagarde, on the sidelines of the informal meetings of…
Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato (MEF), approved the 2022 budget: profit of over 65 million euros
(Finance) – On March 28, 2023, the Board of Directors of theState Printing Institute and Mint100% owned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, has approved the Draft Budget 2022,…