Mes, the opinion of the Mef: there are no risks in ratifying the Treaty

Def the MEF publishes the text Giorgetti realistic to aim

(Finance) – In a letter sent to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber regarding the ratification of the Treaty on the ESM, the Ministry of Economy and Financehe underlined that “no changes are found in the agreement such as to suggest a worsening of the risk linked to the aforementioned institution”. The document, anticipated by Ansa, was signed by the head of Cabinet of Minister Giorgetti, Stefano Varone.

“Furthermore – continues the opinion technician –, there is no news that a worsening of the risk of the Mes has been highlighted by other subjects such as the rating agencies which have indeed confirmed the highest evaluation attributed to it even after the signing of the agreements on the reform”. “Compared to the prospects of the other Member states shareholders of the Mes – underlined the Mef -, the activation of support (to a State that requests it ed) would directly represent a source of remuneration of the paid-up capital and, indirectly, a probable improvement in financing conditions on the markets”.

Italy would benefit from the green light to the month in terms of international reputation and compared to the assessment of rating agencies. “Regarding the indirect effects on the public finance figures deriving from the sole ratification of the Agreement, on the basis of feedback received from analysts and operators of marketit is possible that the reform of the ESM, to the extent that it is perceived as a sign of strengthening European cohesion, leads to a better assessment of the creditworthiness of the adhering Member States, with a more pronounced effect for those with higher debt such as Italy”. he states in the letter.

“Not ratifying quickly” the Mes “affects the country’s international credibility, I don’t know if the government can afford it, Italy certainly cannot afford it. The smoky and ideological reasons that cannot explain this delay must be set aside “. commented the secretary of the Pd, Elly Schlein, introducing the sports department of the Pd to the Nazarene. “They are in the government and have the responsibility of making Italy keep the commitments it has assumed. It is a government that is deeply divided on these issues, the facts speak for themselves”, he added.
