Tag: management
how to get the most out of flex office – L’Express
On the right side, the openness to the world, the broken down walls, the space conducive to discussions from which the best springs forth. On the other hand, limit the…
10 tips for working differently in 2024 – L’Express
#1 Forget team building The feeling of a “we” is not the result of agglutinative formations. It arises from the contingency of circumstances, explains our columnist Julia de Funès. The…
when procrastination is good – L’Express
After a few days off, the time has come to plan your many resolutions. Objectives versus achievements. Like every year, the first column will last several pages when the second…
Management, the end of the “nightmare in the kitchen”? These new chefs ready to shake everything up – L’Express
“Yes sir !” From the Michelin-starred restaurant to the corner bistro, this is the mantra mechanically repeated at the moment of “fire” by entire generations of cooks in all the…
Southwind Airlines responds to allegations of Russian connections: “None of the management is Russian” | Foreign countries
According to the head of flight safety at Southwind Airlines, the company has no connections to Russia. The flight safety manager of Southwind Airlines, which made headlines during the Christmas…
Supplementary agreement signed between Generali Italia and agent groups for business management, training and sustainability
(Finance) – General Italy signed today with all its Agent Groups – Anagina, Gaag, Gaat, Gagi and Unat – the 2nd level supplementary agreementwith the main objective of continue to…
CDP, Francesca Scaglia new Head of Risk Management
(Finance) – Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) communicated that Francesca Scaglia will take over guidance of the Risk Department at the end of January 2024. Scaglia boasts twenty years of…
L management frustrated after Pourmokhtari’s climate miss: “Beginning to become a habit”
Updated 20.03 | Published 19.56 full screen Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L). Photo: Jerker Ivarsson Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) withdrew her statement that the climate…
when the puppeteer manager enters the ring – L’Express
All he is missing is the scepter and the oak of Louis IX. After the quasi-psychopath manager and the fugitive, here is the omniscient manager. A leader who acts as…
De’ Longhi, Mawer Investment Management reduces share to 4.93%
(Finance) – Mawer Investment Managementa Canadian investment company, has a share equal to 4.930% in the capital of De’ Longhia group listed on Euronext Milan and active in the small…