Tag: manage
Water, energy… How do municipalities manage additional costs and shortages?
France is still suffering from heat and drought. July 2022 is “the second driest month of all months combined” in France since the start of measurements in 1958-1959, behind March…
Fires: what means do European countries have to manage fires?
In the media, the sad spectacle becomes daily in summer: glowing flames devour European forests. Last week, Spain, Portugal and France were on the front line. In turn, Greece and…
Want to save some time on Facebook by getting quicker access to your favorite groups, or the pages you manage? Here’s how to modify your Facebook shortcut list according to your habits!
Want to save some time on Facebook by getting quicker access to your favorite groups, or the pages you manage? Here’s how to modify your Facebook shortcut list according to…
Gmail is a free email service for sending and receiving emails. Its interface makes it easy to manage your inbox. A great way to keep in touch with your friends and family!
Gmail is a free email service for sending and receiving emails. Its interface makes it easy to manage your inbox. A great way to keep in touch with your friends…
How to manage your cloud storage spaces from a single interface?
Storage spaces are part of our daily lives. They allow access to our files from any computer or mobile device, provided you have a dedicated application or a web browser…
How to manage to scale down mobile time this summer
We all have these people in our flows. Those who say thank you tell them that they will log out and that they will not log in again until after…
How to manage other people’s holiday photos on social media
Beaches, barbecue evenings and friends. With summer comes an almost endless flow of wonderful holiday photos. – We usually think of the holiday as the best time of the year…
How do you manage to work until the holiday: “Pat yourself”
Does it feel a little heavy to wait for your holiday, while your colleagues happily take off on their vacation? Then we have Christina Stielli who gives her best tips…
Players in Diablo Immortal manage the maximum killstreak
In Diablo Immortal you slaughter hundreds of monsters before the second act and thousands more until the endgame. After that, the hunt really begins and with the help of killstreaks…
Only 5% of adults manage to sleep eight hours or more
News Published on 05/20/2022 at 8:51 p.m., Reading 2 mins. According to a study of 2,000 people, only 5% manage to sleep eight hours or more at night, the recommended…