Tag: Mail
when will you receive your mail from March 2023?
La Poste is preparing to eliminate the daily rounds of postmen from March 2023. In several municipalities, mail will only be delivered every other day. The postman’s daily rounds are…
Mail from the readers: Pensions, post-Putin, obscurantism…
Retirement: what if retirees contributed? Paris Bouttement, Asnieres-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine) I myself am retired and yet I suggest that retirees contribute to the financing of pensions. Here are some arguments in…
Mail from the readers: Pensions, post-Putin, obscurantism…
Retirement: what if retirees contributed? Paris Bouttement, Asnieres-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine) I myself am retired and yet I suggest that retirees contribute to the financing of pensions. Here are some arguments in…
New law to stop mail with drugs and weapons
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the opportunities to buy drugs and other illegal substances over the Internet have increased. A large part of this illegal trade is transported…
Mail from the readers: China, pensions, Francophonie…
Pension reform and equity Eric Debray, Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine) A fair reform must, in essence, take into account the difference in life expectancy because this, at the time of retirement, is…
Letter to Santa Claus: where to send his mail?
Some children have already started writing their letter to Santa Claus. The sprites are ready to receive them and process them one after the other. Where to address your letter…
In 2023, La Poste will launch the first “digital stamp”: an alphanumeric code obtained via a mobile application which will make it possible to easily frank mail. A step forward that illustrates the strategy of the public group to digitize its services.
In 2023, La Poste will launch the first “digital stamp”: an alphanumeric code obtained via a mobile application which will make it possible to easily frank mail. A step forward…
Vivaldi launches the first stable version of its mail client in its web browser
After more than seven years of development, Vivaldi’s email client arrives in its first stable release. Integrated directly into the web browser, it comes with a calendar and an RSS…