Tag: Macron
Ukraine: Macron assures us that “we are not at war with Russia”
The Russian offensive is progressing. The Russian army said on Wednesday morning that it had taken “total control” of the port of Kherson, near Crimea, which has been the target…
Emmanuel Macron, on the Ukrainian front and in the countryside, at the same time
The war in Ukraine monopolizes almost 100% of Emmanuel Macron’s time. The Head of State displays his mobilization and also seeks to obtain national unity before entering the campaign. “A…
Macron: a candidacy in the midst of war
Emmanuel Macron wanted to declare himself as late as possible. He will find himself in a position to officially enter the campaign as a war unfolds in Ukraine. Despite all…
LIVE. “This war will last” and “we must prepare” warns Macron
Fighting in Kyiv. This Saturday, the third day of the Russian invasion, Kiev was fighting to avoid falling into the hands of the Russian army, fighting having taken place overnight…
Presidential: “Emmanuel Macron must wear the habit of a protective president”
The head of state, still leading in the polls but still not officially a candidate for the presidential election in April, will hold his first campaign meeting on Saturday March…
who would make a better president than Emmanuel Macron?
SURVEY EXCLUDED. Linternaute’s great barometer on the 2022 presidential election measures French people’s opinion of Emmanuel Macron’s rivals each month. This month, a zoom is made on the sponsorships validating…
talks between Emmanuel Macron, Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky
After having exchanged with the Russian president, Emmanuel Macron called his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky to inform him of their exchange, announced the Élysée, this Sunday February 20, 2022. This…
Diplomacy continues under threat of war – Macron and Putin talk about promoting ceasefire in eastern Ukraine
The escalation of ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine has raised concerns in the West and Ukraine that Russia is preparing a cause for an attack on Ukraine. The presidents of…
Macron receives support from Elisabeth Guigou and Marisol Touraine
Shortly after poaching on the right, the current French President Emmanuel Macron recorded this weekend two supporters from the left for his expected presidential candidacy next April. They are two…
Presidential in France: has Emmanuel Macron already won?
Emmanuel Macron is expected to announce his candidacy for the French presidential election in the coming days. While the head of state is still not officially in the race, a…