Ukraine: Macron assures us that “we are not at war with Russia”

Ukraine Macron assures us that we are not at war

The Russian offensive is progressing. The Russian army said on Wednesday morning that it had taken “total control” of the port of Kherson, near Crimea, which has been the target of intense bombardment in recent hours. Putin’s forces have already seized another key port in Ukraine, on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov, that of Berdyansk, and are currently attacking that of Mariupul.

The UN “demands” that Russia stop the war. The UN General Assembly passed a resolution that ‘demands that Russia immediately cease the use of force against Ukraine’, in a vote overwhelmingly endorsed by 141 countries, 5 opposing it, and 35 s abstaining, including China, out of the Organization’s 193 members.

New talks scheduled for tomorrow. A Ukrainian delegation is expected for Russian-Ukrainian talks in Belarus on Thursday morning, Russian negotiator Vladimir Medinsky said, adding that a ceasefire would be on the menu of these new talks between Moscow and Kiev.
