Tag: longer
Longer paternity leave: good news for only 39% of men
Survey carried out for Génie des Locations, among 2,906 salaried people spread over the whole of France. Survey carried out online, on the proprietary BuzzPress France panel, according to the…
Over time, you have probably accumulated many applications that are not useful to you or no longer on your Android mobile. Clean up to free up storage space by removing unnecessary apps.
Over time, you have probably accumulated many applications that are not useful to you or no longer on your Android mobile. Clean up to free up storage space by removing…
You no longer manage to connect to the Internet with your box? The Wi-Fi disappears, the speed drops? Take the time to check a few points before calling your operator.
You no longer manage to connect to the Internet with your box? The Wi-Fi disappears, the speed drops? Take the time to check a few points before calling your operator.…
Menopause: no longer worry about having urinary leakage
Around age 50, the onset of menopause marks a period of transition in women’s lives. Hot flashes are among the most well-known symptoms, but hormonal disturbances can also be the…
Homeopathy is no longer reimbursed by the “Sécu” since January 1st
News Posted on 01/04/2021 1 min read Medicines and homeopathic preparations have not been reimbursed by social security since January 1, 2021. Referring to the overwhelming opinion of the High…
The Arctic Ocean has been warming for longer than previously thought
To explain the speed with which the Arctic seems to want to warm up, scientists cite, among other things, a phenomenon they have called Atlanticification. A phenomenon by which the…
the British are no longer welcome at the crisis meeting
Less than 48 hours after Wednesday night’s tragedy, 27 migrants drowned in the English Channel as they tried to cross to the UK, Paris and London called for greater cooperation.…