Tag: limit
the Israeli government decides to limit access to the Mosques esplanade
Ramadan will begin this year around March 10, against the backdrop of the war between Israel and Hamas. The situation is explosive, particularly in Jerusalem. Against the advice of security…
a new law to limit it?
Two bills respectively tabled by LR deputies and centrist UDI senators aim to limit the right to strike in France. An idea already defended, but put back on the table…
Running: Almgren not surprised by the dream limit: “Quite expected”
The Swedish records are rolling in for Andreas Almgren. After Sunday’s half marathon in Barcelona, he is the first Swede under the dream limit of one hour with a time…
Limit new cars to 130 km/h
California has seen a sharp increase in traffic deaths in recent years. From 2019 to 2022, the number of traffic injuries increased by 22 percent, and 4,400 died on the…
Grass master Galgenwaard is disappointed after FC Utrecht-PSV: ‘Falled through the lower limit’
Because not only Ron Jans’ team, but also the promising team, the women’s team, the Oranjeleeuwinnen and Hercules played on the field. Leffelaar: “We are very happy to contribute to…
In February 2024, a further increase in electricity prices is planned in France. However, you can limit its impact and even save up to 20% on your bills by changing energy supplier.
In February 2024, a further increase in electricity prices is planned in France. However, you can limit its impact and even save up to 20% on your bills by changing…
In the coming months, a smart tool will be mandatory in your vehicle. This aims to warn you each time you exceed the speed limit.
In the coming months, a smart tool will be mandatory in your vehicle. This aims to warn you each time you exceed the speed limit. For many years, cars have…
The Finns did not know about the new limit value for fluoride content – according to the director of FIS, the matter had been announced at the turn of the year | Sport
Four Finnish skiers complained of too high fluoride concentrations at the Scandinavia Cup in Otepää, Estonia last weekend. Evening newspaper and Evening News reported over the weekend that four Finnish…
‘Utrecht falls below the absolute humanitarian lower limit’: six homeless people refused shelter despite freezing cold
Authorities have been warning for some time that the homeless problem in the city is growing, partly due to labor migrants from Eastern Europe. They come to the Netherlands to…
Far Cry 7 May Have Innovative Time Limit Mechanics
Far Cry 7 can bring a new breath to the gaming world with its time limit mechanic. It is a matter of curiosity how Ubisoft will implement this innovation. Ubisoft‘s…