Tag: life
Alcohol still too present in the daily life of the French, public health alert France
News Posted 20 hours ago, Reading 3 mins. Quantity of alcohol consumed per week, drinking habits, social pressure: the new report from Public Health France on alcohol consumption, published on…
eliminated in the first round of the legislative elections, a definitive withdrawal from political life?
VALLS MANUAL. Eliminated in the first round of the legislative elections, will the former Prime Minister definitively withdraw from political life after this new failure? Summary Another political failure for…
Izïa, life at full speed
With her 5th album, Izïa marks three years after “Citadelle”, a brilliant comeback. Pop music, vitaminized melodies, a true hymn to life. The album begins with a very short title,…
Helsinki is developing technology that could end human aging – billionaires are already taking their share of “eternal life” in the world
According to legend, a Hungarian nobleman and alleged serial killer who lived at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries Elizabeth Bathory would have bathed in the blood of…
Homesickness for missing Utrecht schools: ‘Friends for life made at College Blaucapel’
Utrecht – For years you walked around it every day: secondary school. For some a wonderful time, for others a horror, but it was certainly unforgettable. For many Utrecht residents,…
What would a corona test sound like every other day? – This is a daily life for millions of residents of China’s major cities
China does not tolerate a single corona infection but makes corona testing almost mandatory in millions of cities. For example, in Beijing, a population of twenty million people has to…
Summary of More beautiful life episode 4550 of June 3, 2022
MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. In episode 4550 of Plus belle la vie of Friday June 3, 2022, the lawyer finds the woman for whom he has a crush, but not in…
When Paul Gascoigne had to babysit for Thern – and gave the poor nightmare for life: “Thought he died”
Paul Gascoigne was a classic fool.And it is doubtful whether he on paper fits as well as a babysitter.And no, when he got to fit Simon Thern, it ended with…
Elizabeth II, a queen’s life in pictures
70 years ago, on February 6, 1952, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor became Queen of England on the death of her father. On September 8, 2015, she broke the longevity record…
He risked his life to reach the water! It went viral on social media
According to the BBC’s report, footage of a woman risking her life for water was recorded in the state of Madhya Pradesh, where there is difficulty in accessing water. The…