Izïa, life at full speed

Izia life at full speed

With her 5th album, Izïa marks three years after “Citadelle”, a brilliant comeback. Pop music, vitaminized melodies, a true hymn to life.

The album begins with a very short title, “lavielamourlamort” written in one word. It ends with a song called “The Remedy”, with this recommendation as a chorus: “Look into the distance and a new morning takes shape (…) do not look at your mistakes which are jostling down below, because time that passes is a remedy for life”. And in the middle, there is love, dreams, childhood, sadness, madness. In short, there is life that “is long to the other shore” as Izïa sings in a title entitled “Black Star”.

Nobody knows if life will be long, in any case Izïa delivers a real hymn to life in this new album full of energy, whose vitaminized melodies invite us to move, to move forward despite the difficulties, to believe in ourselves and in the future, to believe in joy and happiness.

“Speed”, the fifth album ofIzia just released by Naïve.

Reportage : Fanny Bleichner went to Valence to the Museum of Art and Archeology to meet Hervé Di Rosa, an artist who left his mark on the artistic landscape from the 80s has more than one reflection in his mirror. The exhibition dedicated to him invites us to review his career in a new light.
