Tag: légumes
Legumes, a solution for agriculture, health and the environment
They are fabulous and yet Europeans consume it too little: legumes. Lentils, broken peas, red beans … These pulses, whose seeds are contained in pods, are part of the solutions…
Satisfying, these legumes help reduce waist circumference and BMI
Adults who consume it every day weigh on average 2 kilos less. “We should eat more of it“! Often forgotten when preparing meals, legumes such as chickpeas, white beans or…
New research: Consuming it twice a week is enough! It reduces the risk of colon and anal cancer by 35 percent! Very few know its value
Today, while the rate of stomach cancer is decreasing, colon cancer rates are increasing. Among the reasons for the increase, in addition to stress; These include consuming excessive fast food,…
They contain more protein than meat! Here are the high protein foods
Proteins, which are taken by those who eat healthy and especially those who do sports, play an important role in many body functions such as growth, development, cell repair, muscle…
It removes inflammation in the body! Suffers excruciating joint pain
Arthritis is inflammation that triggers uncomfortable joint pain. This disease causes pain even when resting in daily life. Arthritis patients can reduce inflammation and pain in their bodies by eating…
We eat it with love, but it contains high danger! Destroys brain health
A balanced and regular diet is necessary for a healthy body and strong immune system. Although vegetables and fruits are the first foods that come to mind when it comes…
Protects heart health like armor, keeps diseases away
There is an important relationship between heart health and nutrition. A balanced and healthy diet also supports heart health and protects against vital diseases. The most important step to be…
Anti-aging, rejuvenates, prolongs life! It takes effect the moment you eat it.
Regardless of your age, it is important to protect your heart health. Doing so will reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart disease and stroke. The most important…
Legumes and less meat: a study links healthy eating to longevity
News Posted on 02/10/2022 at 12:51 p.m., Reading 1 min. Norwegian researchers have revealed in a study that a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and low in…