Tag: layer
The ozone layer slowly on the road to recovery – Sweden news
Earth’s damaged ozone layer is slowly, slowly recovering and may return to 1980 levels. But it will take several decades and the positive trend can easily be broken. That’s what…
The ozone layer “on track” to recover: what the latest UN report says
This is good news for the planet, as human-caused global warming accelerates. On Monday, Dec. 9, experts from a UN-sponsored science panel said the ozone layer, which protects the Earth…
Google Maps will be able to display the air quality on its maps thanks to a dedicated layer, as for road traffic. A function currently reserved for a few countries, but which will be deployed in France soon.
Google Maps will be able to display the air quality on its maps thanks to a dedicated layer, as for road traffic. A function currently reserved for a few countries,…
the grinding of male chicks is now prohibited in the layer sector
The grinding of male chicks is now prohibited in the laying hen sector in France. It is estimated that around 50 million male chicks are killed each year in the…
What is sowing under a warm layer?
From January, the gardener begins his first sowing despite the winter cold. To anticipate plantings and harvests, there is the technique of sowing under a warm layer in order to…