Tag: Ladj
Interview with Ladj Ly and Anta Diaw for “Bâtiment 5”
Haby, a young woman very involved in the life of her town, discovers the new redevelopment plan for the neighborhood in which she grew up. Led on the sly by…
Ladj Ly: “today, our ghettos have been shunned by everyone”
Ladj Ly is known for his film school, Kourtrajmé, which he created in his town of Montfermeil, and in Dakar. He also caused a sensation four years ago with Les…
“The Young Imam” by Kim Chapiron, a peaceful sequel to “Les Misérables” by Ladj Ly?
Director Kim Chapiron co-wrote The Young Imam with Ladj Ly, filmmaker of the cult film Les Miserables. Both films take place in Montfermeil and each tells of a tragic life…
Ladj Ly, Franco-Malian director and screenwriter
From 7:19 a.m. (Paris time), Sophie Torlotin receives Ladj Ly, multi-award-winning Franco-Malian director and screenwriter for his film Wretched, co-founder of Kourtrajmé, a free film school open to diversity in…