Tag: Jomshof
Everything about Henrik Vinge: The Swedish Democrats, Jomshof and the wife
Henrik Vinge Age – How old is he? Henrik Vinge was born on August 10, 1988, which means he turns 37 in 2025. Henrik Vinge. Photo: Sofia Ekström / SvD…
Marmorstein: Jomshof was overrun | SVT News
Despite the harsh criticism from Jomshof and several other party peaks, SD wants to limit military -like, semi -automatic weapons after the mass shooting in Örebro. Now Jomshof has resigned…
Richard Jomshof (SD) resigns as chairman of the Justice Committee
The time parties have agreed to limit military -like, semi -automatic weapons after the deed in Örebro. The proposal has faced strong internal criticism in primarily SD. Richard Jomshof wrote…
Dismissed investigation against Jomshof for violent crime
share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left full screen The Sweden Democrats’ Richard Jomshof is chairman of the justice committee. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT The decision to close the investigation into incitement against a ethnic…
Richard Jomshof (SD) served suspicion of crime
During Tuesday morning, Richard Jomshof left the police interrogation and Aftonbladet’s reporter was on site outside. – It is a new experience and I have answered the questions as best…
The expert believes that Jomshof constitutes incitement against a ethnic group
Richard Jomshof announced on Friday that he is taking a break from his job as chairman of the Judiciary Committee because he is suspected of crimes. The background is two…
Ardalan Shekarabi (S): Richard Jomshof should not come back
On Tuesday, Jomshof will be served with suspicion of incitement against a ethnic group, and therefore he will temporarily leave his position as committee chairman. He has told that himself…
After the criminal suspicions – S demands that Jomshof resign
Updated 13.41 | Published at 1:30 p.m share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left fullscreenArdalan Shekarabi. Photo: Lotte Fernvall The Social Democrats repeat the demand that Richard Jomshof should leave the post as chairman…
Hear Jomshof (SD) and Shekarabi (S) debate gang violence
Richard Jomshof (SD), chairman of the justice committee, calls gang violence an “imported problem” and believes that previous governments did not do enough to prevent it. – I want to…
The harshest words were about Jomshof
It was Social Democrats party leader Magdalena Andersson who set the tone. Already an hour before the debate began, she stood together with the Left Party’s Nooshi Dadgostar and the…