Tag: jobs
Ontario training workers for jobs in harness horse racing
Provincial News The Ontario government is investing $2.1 million to train workers for rewarding careers in the horse racing industry. Author of the article: Ontario Farmer staff Publication date: Feb…
Cross-border jobs in Europe
A Labor and Professional Mobility Fair has just been held in Paris, at the Grande Halle de la Villette. For two days, 150 exhibitors, conferences and workshops led by employment…
Pandemic continues to wreak havoc on jobs, UN says
The Covid-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc on jobs around the world and a return to pre-health crisis levels could take years, the UN said on Monday. The International Labor…
Should we mention student jobs in my CV?
As a student or recent graduate, you may find it difficult to complete the experiences section of your CV. However, just because you have no previous experience doesn’t mean you…
Hundreds of GAFAM executives quit their jobs to join cryptocurrency start-ups
For better or worse, hundreds of executives from large high-tech companies are leaving a golden situation to try the crypto adventure! You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] How does…
Discover the 10 jobs that make the happiest
Everyone is looking to find the job of their dreams and their true calling. They say that working while doing what you really love is like not working at all!…
Young people without jobs, studies or training on the rise in Europe
We call them the invisible, these young people aged 15 to 25 who drop out without having obtained a diploma. For a year, the number of these young adults who…