The top 5 most sought-after impact jobs in 2022

The top 5 most sought after impact jobs in 2022

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Driven by increasingly stringent regulations in matter of sustainable development but also by growing consumer expectations, the opportunities for “impact” positions are multiplying. ” From very general positions to satisfy above all regulatory obligations, we are gradually moving towards professions with more amplitude and expertise in the transformation of the company towards sustainability, because CSR issues are more and more strategic at the level COMEX », explains Catherine Brennan, Director of Operations at Birdeo. This firm specializing in recruitment in sustainable development and impact has also drawn up, for the fourth consecutive year, its top 5 of the most sought-after positions by French companies for 2022 in this field.

The urgency of a radical transformation

First observation: the biodiversitythe digital responsible and the green finance concentrate most of the needs this year. In addition, the market for responsible jobs will be faced in the coming months with a skills shortage that is now widespread. In addition to the urgent need to transform organizations, at technical and managerial levels, training is struggling to meet the demand ” even if there are more and more dedicated courses or continuing education, especially for those who are in professional retraining or who want to give meaning to their skills “, emphasizes Catherine Brennan. Finally, the scope of the companies and sectors concerned by these recruitments is widening as regulations become more widespread.

1. Decarbonization Manager

According to Catherine Brennan, ” in the wake of the COPs, more and more companies are announcing their ambitions on the subject of carbon emissions. It is now a question of being able to concretize them with a post at the same time strategic, technical and operational “. The main mission of the decarbonization manager is therefore to rethink a company’s service or product offer in order to meet the ambition of carbon neutrality of France by 2050 and align with the 1.5 degree trajectory of Science-Based Targets. This skill is particularly sought after in the sectors of transport, construction and infrastructure.

  • Diploma: bac+5 with an environmental or CSR specialization.
  • Know-how: excellent mastery of carbon footprint (scope 1, 2 and 3), of the method Assessing Low Carbon Transition (ACT), impact measurement tools and construction of a carbon offset.
  • Soft skills: excellent interpersonal skills, assertiveness, data orientedforce of proposal and conviction to federate the stakeholders.
  • Remuneration: from 45 to 55 K€ per year on average depending on experience and location.

2. Extra-financial performance reporting officer

With the establishment of the CSRD directive (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), which replaces the NFRD currently in force and which extends the reporting obligation to a larger number of companies, the position of non-financial performance reporting officer is becoming increasingly strategic within organizations. ” In addition to a broader field of action, the profession gains in depth since its role is no longer just to analyze data, but also to use it in decision-making support for all professions. of the company “says Catherine Brennan.

  • Diploma: bac+5 after an engineering school or a business school with a CSR / market finance specialization.
  • Know-how: expertise in extra-financial reporting, consolidation of financial data, regulatory monitoring, project management and change management.
  • Soft skills: relational qualities, pedagogy, versatility, rigor, ability to analyze and popularize extra-financial information.
  • Remuneration: from 45 to 55 K€ per year on average depending on experience and location.

3. Responsible digital manager

According to Catherine Brennan, ” this is THE big challenge for the coming months: the urgency of integrating environmental considerations into technological innovations “. The objective of the responsible digital manager is therefore to be able to measure this impact in order to be able to define a more carbon-neutral and virtuous digital strategy, from the choice of computer equipment to all the technological management thought around (video, cloud, email. ..).

  • Diploma: bac+5, after a computer engineering school with an environmental specialization.
  • Know-how: excellent control of environmental impacts, their identification and calculation. Understanding of the tools and technologies used in companies, from hardware to applications, and the challenges of a growing tech environment. Finally, have the ability to work in an international environment.
  • Soft skills: relational qualities, pedagogy, curiosity, agility, rigor and analytical skills.
  • Remuneration: from 50 to 60 K€ per year on average depending on experience and location.

4. Biodiversity project manager

Its mission is to implement and coordinate the company’s policy in terms of climate change and biodiversity. ” The position existed in sectors such as construction, but is becoming more widespread because the subject of biodiversity is linked to carbon policy but also because the tools for measuring the impact of the activities of organizations on biodiversity, in particular that of CDC Biodiversity, are increasingly accessible “, emphasizes Catherine Brennan.

  • Diploma: bac+5, after an engineering school with a specialization in environment and biodiversity.
  • Know-how: management of complex projects and mastery of impact measurement tools.
  • Know-how: animation, teaching, initiative and popularization.
  • Remuneration: from 45 to 55 K€ per year on average depending on experience and location.

5. ESG data analyst

Its mission is to ensure the collection, control and processing of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data, and more particularly those related to carbon, weather and biodiversity, with a view to integration into the analysis of the overall value of the company or the investment project. ” The Data ESG analyst contributes to the taking into account of ESG considerations in the management and presentation of information vis-à-vis stakeholders, in particular the general public, who are increasingly demanding more and more transparency on the subject of environmental performance “says Catherine Brennan.

  • Diploma: bac+5, after a finance option business school, a master’s degree in statistics & data science or an engineering school.
  • Know-how: knowledge of sector regulations, mastery of internal and external ESG tools, skills in financial modeling and/or data management.
  • Soft skills: organizational and relational skills, team spirit, ability to popularize certain information.
  • Remuneration: from 45 to 55 K€ per year on average depending on experience and location.

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