Tag: Jean-Luc Mélenchon
French presidential election: the indifference of Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Emmanuel Macron was therefore comfortably re-elected president this Sunday. But nearly a third of voters abstained or voted blank, a sign of disinterest in this remake of the 2017 election.…
after his re-election, Emmanuel Macron faces a legislative “third round”
The outgoing president has just been reappointed as head of France with 58.2% of the vote against Marine Le Pen. The “republican dam” bends, but does not break, with a…
Emmanuel Macron, “determined” to win on Sunday, thinks of the next stage
Emmanuel Macron is going today, Friday April 22, to Figeac, in the Lot, for his last campaign trip before the second round where he is playing for his re-election. The…
After the Macron-Le Pen debate, the Insoumis oscillate between frustration and hope
Never had a debate between two rounds gathered so few viewers. The revenge between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen did not produce the expected sparks, each trying above all…
The voters of Mélenchon, a crucial pool of votes for the two presidential candidates
In France, the debate between two rounds of the presidential election takes place this evening. The outgoing president has a slight advantage over his far-right rival, according to polls, but…
Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls on the French to “elect Prime Minister” during the legislative elections
The third man in the presidential election Jean-Luc Mélenchon asked the French on Tuesday to elect him “Prime Minister” in the June legislative elections, whether they choose Emmanuel Macron or…
Presidential election: the choice of young people from the “red suburbs” for the second round
One of the findings of the first round of the presidential election is the return of what were called the “red suburbs”. Popular neighborhoods voting massively for the left. In…
Eric Coquerel (LFI): “Marine Le Pen is in no way the social candidate she pretends to be”
During an online consultation carried out by Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the postponement of the votes of his supporters for the second round of the presidential election, the blank or null…
the left now has its eyes riveted on the legislative elections and is trying to unite
Between Macron and Le Pen, the militants of La France insoumise first choose the blank or zero vote (37%) for the second round of the presidential election. Then comes the…
French presidential: “We observe strong differences according to the profile of the voters”
A survey carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria analyzed the profile of French voters. This study, which draws up the sociology of electorates as well as the profile of abstentionists, reveals…