Tag: infecting
Here is a record number of cats sick – risks infecting children
According to reports from The State Veterinary Institute (SVA) Over 200 cats in Dalarna County became ill in Salmonella in the spring of 2024, which is a record number. Bird…
Thousands of seagulls have perished, and many more are about to die! The reason has been revealed! The risk of infecting people was frightening
The deaths of seagulls in Ağın district of Elazığ had worried the citizens. After dozens of seagulls were found dead at the water’s edge, teams from the Provincial Directorate of…
You have recovered a USB stick or external disk containing documents or videos. Before directly accessing its content, a small check is necessary to avoid infecting your PC with malware.
You have recovered a USB stick or external disk containing documents or videos. Before directly accessing its content, a small check is necessary to avoid infecting your PC with malware.…
According to a report by VirusTotal, hackers are increasingly infecting popular apps like Alexa, Adobe Acrobat, VLC, Discord or Skype to spread malware. More than ever, distrust prevails.
According to a report by VirusTotal, hackers are increasingly infecting popular apps like Alexa, Adobe Acrobat, VLC, Discord or Skype to spread malware. More than ever, distrust prevails. VirusTotal, the…
It does not go away with washing, it is transmitted by contact! Sticks to the skin
There are many different events happening in the human body at every moment. Of course, we don’t notice many of them. Especially on our skin, millions of invisible animals live…
The silent pandemic lyme disease is not taken seriously! Infected by ticks: The number is increasing day by day
Pointing out that the incidence of lyme disease caused by insidiously biting ticks has increased as the weather warms up, people are more in rural areas, Prof. Immunology and Allergy…
350 million years old virus: How is it transmitted from person to person, what should be considered?
Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) is a type of virus that was detected in mammalian remains about 350 million years ago, that is, has existed since the very ancient times of human…
It’s very common! sexually transmitted
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is one of the most common types of viruses in the world and in our country among sexually transmitted diseases in both men and women. HPV…
Beware, this malware has been infecting Macs for over a year
Microsoft warns Mac users against UpdateAgent. This new malware is able to collect system information and install adware while bypassing the Gatekeeper security feature of macOS. You will also be…
It is transmitted sexually, and it is transmitted to the baby during birth!
Acıbadem Ankara Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Assoc. Dr. Emre Özgü stated that the disease is observed in both women and men. Assoc. Dr. Emre Özgü said, “Although there is…