Tag: Human body
Fine particles: what danger to health?
Very present in the air of industrialized countries, particularly in urban areas, fine particles have an impact on our health. Who are the main issuers? And what are the dangers…
Do you burn more calories running outside or on a treadmill?
Jogging is one of the most popular activities to stay in shape or lose weight. But is running indoors on a treadmill as effective as running outdoors in terms of…
The effects of space on the blood of astronauts
Traveling in space is not trivial. Researchers remind us of this today. They were interested in the effect this can have on the blood of astronauts. And confirm the heavy…
Cabinet of curiosities: the strange fashion of radioactive dishes…
In this new chapter of Cabinet of curiosities, we release our most beautiful tea set, our anti-radiation suit and our Geiger counter. Make yourself a nice cup of tea, turn…
Osteoarthritis: origin and treatment of osteoarthritis
L’osteoarthritis is the most common rheumatological disease and the leading reason for consultation in Europe among people over 60. This disease caused by the destruction of the articular cartilage leads…
Space travel threatens the health of astronauts
Traveling in space is not trivial. Researchers remind us of this today. They were interested in the effect this can have on the blood of astronauts. And confirm the heavy…
Why do we get a runny nose when it’s cold?
In winter, our noses have an annoying tendency to turn into a fountain, even when we do not have a cold. What is this inconvenience due to? You will also…
Eye of a partridge: what is it?
The eye-of-partridge or horn soft, is hyperkeratosis (thickening of the epidermis) of the foot which results from friction between two toes. Unsightly color whitish, it consists of a black point…
Gastric emptying: how quickly does the stomach empty?
Gastric emptying helps move food out of the stomach and regulates its arrival in the small intestine. A more or less long process depending on the type of food consumed,…
Rash: what is it?
The rash is a lesion of the skin with or without relief, localized or present over a large area of the body. It can be benign, but a sudden onset…