Tag: harmful
Excessive amount of everything is harmful! Eating these increases your risk of cancer
Millions of people die every year due to cancer. Cancer cases are increasing day by day. There are many factors that cause cancer. Among these factors, malnutrition is at the…
Phytosanitary product: what is it?
Etymologically, a phytosanitary product is a product intended to guarantee the good health of plants. In practice, the expression refers to the idea of chemical products employees : to prevent…
Cancer: obesity can exacerbate the harmful effects of alcohol
News Published 9 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. According to a British study, being overweight would amplify the harmful effects of alcohol on the risk of cancer, in particular in…
Vaccines and boosters less and less effective and more and more harmful
More and more scientific studies attest to an increase in adverse events and deaths among people vaccinated against Covid-19. However, in France as elsewhere, we are moving towards numerous booster…
Processionary caterpillar recognized as harmful to health
News Published on 05/03/2022 at 2:27 p.m., Reading 2 mins. A new decree published on Wednesday April 27 recognizes the processionary caterpillar as a species harmful to human health. Beware…
The confusion in water and coffee does not end! Is it harmful to health or beneficial?
Until a few years ago, most nutritionists recommended high-carb, low-fat diets for those who wanted to lose weight. This is just a small example… In general, everyone speaks with confidence…
It is thought to be harmful, but… It instantly lowers high blood pressure.
While some foods are beneficial for high blood pressure, some foods can be very harmful. This situation creates confusion among those suffering from high blood pressure. There are also foods…
Hydrogen: harmful effects on the atmosphere in the event of massive use, warn scientists
This Monday, April 5, 2022, the IPCCthe Intergovernmental Group of Experts on the Evolution of the climate published the third and final part of its sixth report devoted to solutions…
No one has eaten it for years because it is harmful! One spoon cures diseases
Scientific research, by obtaining quite new data, has determined that a food group that we thought harmful for a long time is actually much more beneficial than we thought. New…
Would very weak light be harmful to health?
News Published on 03/16/2022 at 10:05 a.m., Reading 2 mins. Sleeping with a light, even dimmed, would interfere with sleep and cause health problems according to a new study. Doctor…