Confessions of a young porn addicted girl became an event! Experts warn: Young people think it’s cool, but it’s very harmful…

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Recent research has revealed that sexual health problems among women are on the rise. Experts say this increase is related to watching porn on the internet. There are serious concerns about men watching obscene content and the potential harm it can cause, including erectile dysfunction and depressive disorders. While the focus has been on men so far, recent surveys have revealed a serious problem among women as well. Experts are now sounding the alarm about the harm that watching pornography can do to women.

“My life is ruined”

Kristel Koppers, who lives in the Netherlands, said that watching pornography on the Internet negatively affects her life. Speaking to the Daily Mail, the 29-year-old woman said that watching obscene videos online causes a number of troubling symptoms. “I noticed that I had a hard time concentrating on sex because I was periodically distracted by the feedback of sexual images I saw online,” says Koppers, who now lives in the Netherlands and works in the human resources department.

Stating that she broke away from daily life and her marriage with her husband was shaken, the young woman said that she started to associate everything she experienced with the porn movies she watched involuntarily.



Speaking to The Mail on Sunday, experts warned that the impact of porn is depriving more and more young women of healthy sex lives. Recent studies show that women aged 18 to 24 have sex 20 percent less than women ten years ago.

Sexual health services are flooded with young women experiencing intimacy issues, pain during sex, and low libidos, all linked to a sharp increase in online pornography viewing.
