Tag: GrosPietro
Gros-Pietro (Intesa): Italy is a more lively banking market and open to the competition of the Eurozone
(Finance) – “If we look at the Ranking of Eurozone banks in terms of capitalization of stock exchange, At the first five places we find the prevalence of ex Pigs:…
Gros-Pietro (Intesa): We must be put in equal terms with Bigtech operators
(Finance) – Finance operators must “invest in the information paradigm, which is, and even more will be, the dominant one in the 21st century. We manage precious information relating to…
Intesa Sanpaolo, Gros-Pietro at the Trento Festival: science, young people and finance for the green transition
(Finance) – “Confidence in the future, and in particular in young people”, is one of the main messages expressed by Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, President of Intesa Sanpaoloduring his speech at…
Intesa Sanpaolo, Gros-Pietro: “The development of the South drives the entire country”
(Finance) – “Southern Italy, with its privileged geographical position and its rich cultural history, can and must play, now more than ever, a fundamental role in promoting cooperation and development…
Intesa Sanpaolo, Gros-Pietro: “Resilient Italian companies thanks to greater competitiveness”
(Finance) – “The Italian economy and industry, in particular, have shown themselves to be extremely resilient to the challenges deriving from the pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine. In an…
Businesses, Gros-Pietro (Intesa): “Economic vital force. Crucial dialogue with stakeholders”
(Finance) – “Le businesseswhich are there Life force of the company, they have more lasting success if they work for the good of all the stakeholders”. He said so Gian…
Intesa Sanpaolo, Gros-Pietro: “Finance can play a positive role for humanity”
(Finance) – “I believe that finance, in addition to being indispensable for the functioning of a modern economy, can play a positive role in favor of people, humanity and the…
Serbia, Gros-Pietro (Intesa Sp): commitment “consistent with strategic presence in the enlarged Mediterranean”
(Finance) – In Serbia “We are strongly present with Bank Intesa Beograd, the first bank in the country by total assets. We are one of engines of growth of Serbia,…
Government bonds, Gros-Pietro: “do not give pretexts to speculation”
(Finance) – “Fund bets are part of speculation, which moves when fundamentals give it some hope of profit. The important thing is not to create these situations. When fund variations…
Gros-Pietro (Intesa Sp): targeted long-term “medicine” investments
(Finance) – “In the speeches by Minister Franco, Governor Visco and President Patuelli common views emerged in highlighting a picture of our economy in which banks are more robust than…