Serbia, Gros-Pietro (Intesa Sp): commitment “consistent with strategic presence in the enlarged Mediterranean”

Serbia Gros Pietro Intesa Sp commitment consistent with strategic presence in

(Finance) – In Serbia “We are strongly present with Bank Intesa Beograd, the first bank in the country by total assets. We are one of engines of growth of Serbia, we support local entrepreneurship by working to strengthen commercial exchange”. Said the President of Intesa Sanpaolo , Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, during his speech at the Business forum Italy-Serbia underway in Belgrade.

“Our commitment in Serbia – he added – it is consistent with our strategic presence in the enlarged Mediterranean areaa region that includes not only the coastal countries, but also the countries of central-eastern Europe and the Balkans. An area which is assuming growing importance in the current phase of regional remodulation of the dynamics of globalization. The related near-sharing and friend-sharing processes highlight the strengths of Serbia and other Western Balkan countries, already well embedded in the value chains of Western Europe and Italythanks to the geographical proximity, the good levels of development of technology and the labor market, and the cultural proximity”.

“We support and enhance the opportunities that currently characterize the Serbian market which – concluded Gros-Pietro – “converge positively with the main strands of interest of the Italian Strategic Plan for the Adriatic-Balkan Region, particularly in the field infrastructure, energy, agriculture and health”.
