Tag: Good
What is good for ear pain? Does earache go away with natural treatment methods at home?
Although inflammation and fluid accumulation in the middle ear or outer ear are usually mentioned for the cause of the pain in the ear, sometimes there may not even be…
What is good for nausea? What are the home remedies for nausea?
Developed for different reasons nausea sometimes it is treated at home with simple methods, sometimes it requires applying to a health institution. It is important to monitor additional symptoms in…
What is good for migraine, what are the symptoms? How to get rid of migraine naturally at home quickly?
Migraine is a severe headache that makes life unbearable with the onset of pain. Due to conditions such as nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light that come with migraine, ways…
What is good for hemorrhoids? What are the foods and methods that are good for hemorrhoid treatment?
Hemorrhoids, which is one of the digestive problems, is a discomfort in the anus area and is also known as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are divided into two. It is called with…
What is good for kidney pain? What are the causes and treatment of kidney pain?
In the case of kidney pain symptoms, medical attention should be sought. Because the kidney is an organ that produces important hormones in the body and is important for life.…
What is good for stomach cancer? Don’t ignore post-meal symptoms for stomach cancer!
Since gastric cancer gives late symptoms, it is important to follow the findings correctly. So why does stomach cancer occur? How is the diagnosis made in gastric cancer, in which…
Climate, meeting of environment ministers: fears of the “war effect” and good intentions for Cop27
(Finance) – It ended today in Copenhagen the meeting of environment ministers to take stock of the implementation of the climate commitments made at COP26 in Glasgow last November and…
BURGOS – CARTAGENA Julián Calero: “We have to take the result as good”
The Burgos coach analyzed at a press conference the difference between the first and second half in the game that ended in a draw against Cartagena (1-1): “There are eleven…
What is good for mouth sores? Does mouth sore (Aft) heal with natural treatment methods?
Mouth sores, aphthae, make it difficult to eat, drink, and sometimes even talk. Why does mouth sore occur and what is good for mouth sores? What is aphtha? Mouth sores,…
What is good for gingivitis? How does gingivitis pass, is there a home treatment method?
Gingivitis is caused by a bacterial infection. Sometimes the effects are temporary, but sometimes these inflammations reach a very uncomfortable size. So, what should be done in these cases, what…