Tag: global
The Arctic ice cap has not finished suffering from global warming
Temperatures are rising. And the ice melts. With the risk of raising the level of the oceans all over the world. This is why researchers continue to try to learn…
NASA maps global lightning strikes over 25 years
A sensor installed on the ISS allows NASA to have a global map of lightning strikes across the globe from 1995 to 2020. It highlights the most struck areas in…
More than 50 Nobel Prize winners call for global fund fueled by global cut in military spending
An online petition since December 2021 has already been signed by more than fifty Nobel laureates. It is a call for a “World Dividend for Peace” which in practice implies…
2021, another year marked by global warming
The last seven years, from 2015 to 2021, have been clearly the hottest on record, said Copernicus, the European climate monitoring agency, on Monday. In addition, greenhouse gas emissions responsible…
global pandemic update
New measures, new reports and highlights: an update on the latest developments in the Covid-19 pandemic around the world. – Over 150,000 dead in UK The coronavirus has claimed the…
Global warming: the damning report from NOAA
NOAA has updated its state of the climate dashboard, which provides an overview of climate change, its causes and consequences at the start of 2022. You will also be interested…
Global warming: the latest shock report from NOAA
NOAA has updated its state of the climate dashboard, which provides an overview of climate change, its causes and consequences at the start of 2022. You will also be interested…
Agriculture, the cause of global warming
The agricultural and food sectors will be very strongly impacted by the multiple consequences of global warming, as we have seen in the first two reports in this series. Continuing…
How the containment of the Chinese city of Xi’an threatens the global production of memory
The city of Xi’An, former capital of the Middle Empire under several Chinese dynasties, is suffering the full brunt of a resurgence of Covid-19 contamination, which has led the authorities…
Global warming in 2021: the alarm signals are everywhere!
The year that is coming to an end will have been disrupted in many ways. Especially in terms of climate. All over the Globe, catastrophes have followed one another at…