Tag: giving
Epic Games Store is giving away a new free game as of December 23
Continuing to give gifts without slowing down Epic Games Store by to players December 23 As of now, only one game is given. Epic Games Store by earlier today 199…
Epic Games Store is giving away a new free game as of December 22
Continuing to give gifts without slowing down Epic Games Store by to players 22 December As of now, only one game is given. Epic Games Store by earlier today 235…
This question to ask before giving money to children at Christmas
News Published on 12/20/2023 at 2:36 p.m. Updated 12/20/2023 at 2:36 p.m. Reading 2 min. Does your great-uncle usually give your youngest a ticket during the end-of-year celebrations? If the…
Epic Games Store is giving away a new free game as of December 20
Continuing to give gifts without slowing down Epic Games Store by to players 20 December As of now, only one game is given. It has been announced that it continues…
Steam competitor Epic is giving away 17 free games for Christmas 2023
This year, Fortnite publisher Epic Games is holding its Christmas sale for the fifth time. This year you can look forward to 17 free games. The specific titles are still…
Nintendo secures trademarks in Europe, giving fans hope that PokéParks will open here soon
Nintendo secures 3 trademarks in Europe. Will you be able to play Pokémon GO in PokéParks soon? What is a PokéPark? A PokéPark is an amusement park that is primarily…
This point to check before giving money as a Christmas gift to a child
Giving money to a child at Christmas: good or bad idea? For Vincent Joly, psychologist and psychotherapist, there are not only disadvantages. However, if you’re planning on getting this Christmas…
One of the biggest strategy games on Steam is in so much trouble that the developers are giving buyers €20 back
Pharaoh is the latest installment in the popular “Total War” series. After the great success of Total War: Warhammer 3, fans wanted a historical part again. It just wasn’t well…
Steam rival is giving away 3 Destiny 2 expansions for a short time
The Epic Games Store is once again giving away a number of games over the holidays this year. The first door of the Epic Advent calendar has already been opened…
The para-athlete Ebba Årsjö now goes on a hard-hitting attack – raging against the unfair behaviour: “They’re giving us shit”
PHOTO: Bildbyrån Ebba Årsjö has been very open in her views on para sports.Now comes new criticism from the star.– I think I speak for everyone, says Årsjö to Dagens…