Tag: French
Stress, anxiety: the repercussions of the war in Ukraine on the mental health of the French
Who has never heard or held this speech? “Don’t forget that you have a huge chance to live in a peaceful country. Your great-grandparents knew the war and had to…
The carbon tax, largely forgotten by the French presidential campaign
Despite the mobilizations of environmental activists, the measure has been erased from the program of candidates for the presidential election next April. The marches for the climate are resuming in…
Kylian Mbappé: applauded, the French even closer to Real?
MBAPPE. After the elimination of PSG by Real Madrid, the Mbappé rumor in Madrid is even stronger this Wednesday, March 10. Summary [Mis à jour le 10 mars à 08h36] If…
Impact of the war in Ukraine on French polls: “A battle of credibility”
The war in Ukraine shakes up the campaign for the presidential election in France and pushes, in these times of crisis, the French to rally behind the head of state.…
French company identifies Russian soldiers in Ukraine using facial recognition
In one hour and thanks to freely accessible facial recognition tools, the French company Tactical Systems Académie was able to identify a Chechen fighter sent to reinforce Russian troops on…
an official French online tournament, registration is open
Released on February 17, The King of Fighters XV is a delight for arcade stick specialists thanks to its fast and super well-packed gameplay. While waiting to deliver our complete…
Kylian Mbappé: applauded, the French even closer to Real?
MBAPPE. After the elimination of PSG by Real Madrid, the Mbappé rumor in Madrid is even stronger this Wednesday, March 10. Summary [Mis à jour le 10 mars à 08h36] If…
French adoptions suspended in Russia and Ukraine
France suspends adoptions of children living in Ukraine or Russia for a period of three months, in order to avoid risks for children and adoptive families. The French can no…
95% of French people do not do enough sport
News Posted on 02/15/2022 at 2:33 p.m., Reading 2 mins. According to a new report from the National Health Security Agency (Anses), the French have a way of life that…
Heritage of French presidential candidates: “Knowing whether political life promotes wealth”
The declarations of assets and holdings of the twelve presidential candidates were revealed by the High Authority for the transparency of public life. This is not the first time that…