95% of French people do not do enough sport

Remote monitoring soon to be reimbursed for 5 chronic pathologies

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    According to a new report from the National Health Security Agency (Anses), the French have a way of life that is too sedentary. This would lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity.

    Are you one of the 5% of French people who practice the right dose of sport per week to maintain good health? According to a new report published by ANSES, 95% of French people are at risk of health deterioration. In question, a lack of physical activity or an excess of sedentary lifestyle linked to the explosion of telework.

    Women and those under 45 most affected

    ANSES’s research highlights that the women are more exposed to a lack of physical activity. In effect, 70% of them are below all levels of activity identified for good health, compared to 42% of men.

    Regarding sedentary lifestyle, it is teleworking that is in question with more than 8 hours a day in a seated position. Adults with low levels of education and those under 45 are the most affected.

    Today, more than a third of adults are too sedentary and not sporty enough. These French people have higher mortality and morbidity rates than the rest of the population. “For example, they are more exposed to cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. They are also more at risk ofhypertension or obesity. In general, the risks associated with inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle are increased when they are combined”, explains Prof. Irène Margaritis, Head of the Nutrition Risk Assessment Unit at ANSES.

    According to Professor Irène Margaritis, “it’s the very organization of our lifestyles which needs to be reviewed : whether in the public space, by leaving more room for active mobility such as cycling or walking, or in the workplace, by promoting sports practice and limiting sedentary time, or even in the system school by increasing the space and time devoted to physical and sporting activities”.

    30 minutes of cardio 5 times a week

    As a reminder, in 2016, ANSES had identified the right dose of daily activity to be in good health:

    • practice 30 minutes, 5 times a week, a cardiorespiratory activity such as climbing stairs or cycling, running, walking at a good pace…
    • perform muscle strengthening once or twice a week such as carrying a heavy load, playing tennis, swimming or aerobics…
    • perform flexibility exercises such as gymnastics, dance or yoga, 2 to 3 times a week.
