Tag: French politics
Jean-Luc Mélenchon accused of complacency with the Putin regime
He has been in the sights of the Socialist Party and environmentalists since the start of the war in Ukraine. Jean-Luc Mélenchon is accused of complacency with the regime of…
Emmanuel Macron, on the Ukrainian front and in the countryside, at the same time
The war in Ukraine monopolizes almost 100% of Emmanuel Macron’s time. The Head of State displays his mobilization and also seeks to obtain national unity before entering the campaign. “A…
Alexis Corbière (LFI): “France and all European countries must participate in de-escalation”
08:52 Alexis Corbière, deputy La France insoumise of Seine-Saint-Denis is this Tuesday, March 1, 2022, the guest of the morning of RFI. War between Russia and Ukraine, involvement of the…
The riverside conference, an experience of participatory democracy in Feyzin
Feyzin is a town of 10,000 inhabitants located in the south of the Lyon area. The municipality has to deal with heavy, dangerous and very polluting chemical industries sometimes classified…
the obligatory passage of candidates for the French presidential election
The Agricultural Show is looking grim this year, particularly because of the war in Ukraine. Result, the candidates follow one another to try to reassure the farmers and in particular…
a certain idea of France
This is an unprecedented situation. Fifteen days before the end of the mandates, three of the five candidates most likely to reach the second round of the French presidential election…
Anne Genetet, spokesperson for the LaREM parliamentary group
morning guest Anne Genetet, deputy for French people living outside France (Asia, Oceania and Eastern Europe), spokesperson for the LaREM parliamentary group and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of…
Threatened with sanctions, the former French Prime Minister Fillon resigns from his Russian posts
After the controversy, François Fillon announces in a forum at the Sunday newspaper on February 27 his resignation from his mandates within two Russian companies: the former French Prime Minister…
the left criticizes Jean-Luc Mélenchon for his positions towards Russia
The French left is torn apart over the conflict in Ukraine. In the middle of the presidential campaign, part of the left attacks Jean-Luc Mélenchon, accused of ” complacency with…