Tag: France
The challenges of the national strategy for the fight against endometriosis
This Monday took place the first interministerial steering committee to define a national action plan against endometriosis. What do women who suffer from it face? What are the challenges of…
Imitation prodigy Michael Gregorio at the Casino de Paris
Thanks to an exceptional voice, Michael Gregorio is capable of embodying more than a hundred singers, French or international. This actor, singer and humorist devotes his new show to his…
the cowardly Radical Left Party Christiane Taubira
The Radical Left Party (PRG), the main political party supporting his candidacy for the Elysee Palace, withdrew its support for Christiane Taubira’s campaign on Monday. And the consequences could be…
for Father Hamel’s sister, “this attack could have been avoided”
The trial of the terrorist attack which cost the life of Father Jacques Hamel in the church of Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, on July 26, 2016, opened on Monday in Paris. A strong…
Covid-19: indicators still high, but down in France
In January, all the lights of the Covid-19 epidemic were red. In recent days, the situation seems to be improving. Update on the indicators of the epidemic in France. You…
Omer, production value rises to 57 million euros in 2021
(Finance) – Omer registered in 2021 a production value equal to 57 million euros, up by 24% approximately compared to the 46 million euros of the pro-forma 2020 consolidated financial…
Valérie Pécresse copies Éric Zemmour, who savors
Valérie Pécresse finds herself under fire from critics for having taken over during her meeting the racist and conspiracy theory of the “great replacement” brandished by Éric Zemmour. The Reconquest…
“Freedom convoys”: who are they? A political force in power?
They did not block the capital as they had hoped, but managed to attract thousands of people to Paris. The so-called freedom convoys are converging on Strasbourg and Brussels on…
Covid-19: France, Germany, United Kingdom… Health restrictions are declining in Europe
At a time when anger is brewing in Europe against measures flirting with the vaccination obligation, several states are considering or have already started lifting health restrictions. After the peak…
Jean-Luc Mélenchon sells out in Montpellier
Nearly 8,000 people were present on Sunday February 13 to listen to the “Rebellious” candidate talk about purchasing power and the fight against inequality during this tenth campaign meeting. Themes…