the candidates offer their solutions in the face of medical deserts

the candidates offer their solutions in the face of medical

After two years of pandemic which showed the difficulties of hospitals in France, health was to be a major theme of the 2022 presidential campaign. But the debate is struggling to break through after months devoted to immigration and while the war is now raging. in Ukraine. Four candidates in the race for the Élysée spoke at the invitation of the French Mutuality of these questions, in particular the medical deserts.

This Tuesday, at the invitation of the Mutualité française, four candidates in the race for the Élysée – three others declined – presented their health program in Paris. Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot, Valérie Pécresse and Fabien Roussel, notably spoke about their solutions to fight against the glaring lack of doctors in many departments of the country.

To listen also: has health become a divisive subject? (Health Priority)

All promise to train more nursing staff. But in the case of doctors, this will only have an effect in a short decade. So, in the meantime, the environmental candidate, Yannick Jadot, assumes. ” The last year of study like the first two years of exercise, if there is an absolute necessity, well yes, we will find the salaries, we will find the support policies. But yes, there will be an installation obligation “, he believes.

Make territories more attractive

There is no question of affecting the freedom of installation of practitioners, retorts the candidate from the right. Like the socialist Anne Hidalgo, Valérie Pécresse prefers that general medicine students do one more year and spend it in medical deserts. ” In 2022, it will be on a voluntary basis and from 2025, the promotion that will come out, it will be compulsory in the general medicine course. It is in return for this revaluation to 30 € of the consultation of general practitioners. »

In dense areas, a new doctor can only settle if another leaves, defends the communist Fabien Roussel for his part. Like its rivals, it also wants to make the territories more attractive: “ Having services, having schools, dance schools, music schools, sports centers that make doctors want to come and settle because there is everything for their families too. »

Today nearly a quarter of French people live in a medical desert and after two years of pandemic, the candidates know it: health issues will weigh when voting for the presidential election.

Also to listen: How to save the French health system? (The debate of the day)
