Tag: Firefox
Chrome 100 is available: what’s new?
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] How to do a Google search from an image? Google has a tool with which you can search using an image found on…
Mozilla finally adds hardware acceleration for AV1 videos in its Firefox browser
Two years after the competition (Edge and Chrome), Mozilla has just announced the arrival of AV1 hardware acceleration in its Firefox browser. It will be available in version 100, scheduled…
FIREFOX FAULTS. The Mozilla Foundation has just catastrophically corrected two major security flaws already exploited by hackers in Firefox. It is urgent to install the update to browse safely.
FIREFOX FAULTS. The Mozilla Foundation has just catastrophically corrected two major security flaws already exploited by hackers in Firefox. It is urgent to install the update to browse safely. If…
Why Version 100s of Chrome and Firefox Might Crash Some Websites
Developing software with a minimum of bugs is not easy, especially because you have to look ahead, and above all anticipate potential future problems. But the developers of Firefox and…
Why the arrival of Chrome 100 and Firefox 100 is shaking the internet
You may also be interested [EN VIDÉO] The first computer bug in history Computer bugs are as old as the computer itself. The first bug in history dates back to…1947.…
Since a recent update, the Firefox browser blocks all pop-up windows by default. If the intention is right, the result can sometimes be awkward. Here is how to rectify the situation.
Since a recent update, the Firefox browser blocks all pop-up windows by default. If the intention is right, the result can sometimes be awkward. Here is how to rectify the…
Want to switch web browsers without starting from scratch? For this, it is better to recover all your favorites. A very simple operation with Firefox, whether exporting or importing bookmarks.
Want to switch web browsers without starting from scratch? For this, it is better to recover all your favorites. A very simple operation with Firefox, whether exporting or importing bookmarks.…
Are you a fan of dark theme and looking for a solution to display all websites in this mode? The Dark Reader extension, available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari, is for you.
Are you a fan of dark theme and looking for a solution to display all websites in this mode? The Dark Reader extension, available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari, is…