Tag: film
Nothing new in the West wins 7(!) trophies at an important film award
Nothing new in the west is a hit in all areas. The German Netflix anti-war film was critically acclaimed and has been nominated for nine Oscars, which is very rare…
Rumors about an erotic film annoyed him so much that he resorted to drastic methods
Henry Cavill stars in Fifty Shades of Grey. Really? No. Millions of erotic fans would have liked to see him in the film adaptation of the novel. Even with the…
The new enchanted and colorful film by Michel Ocelot
/ Podcasts / All cinemas in the world What do a black pharaoh from Sudan, a vigilante in the Auvergne of the Middle Ages and a penniless prince in love…
“In the cemetery of the film”, Guinean film, enters in competition
The Berlin Film Festival is screening this Saturday in the Panorama category the film In the film cemetery, the first feature film by Thierno Souleymane Diallo. In this docu-fiction, the…
The most violent Marvel film, a sci-fi masterpiece and a follow-up to the best Star Wars series
In March 2023, the best Star Wars series on Disney+ will finally enter a new round. The third season of The Mandalorian starts on the streaming service on the first…
castigated by the press, the film is praised by the spectators
Has the press got it yet? This is the legitimate question that we are entitled to ask ourselves when we take a look at the viewer rating obtained by Ant-Man…
The best Til Schweiger film in a long time is available for subscription on Amazon for the first time
Til Schweiger’s popularity as a director is like a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes he lures millions of viewers to the cinema with Keinohrhasen, only to land a colossal flop with Head…
“The Kite Trainer” will be a feature film
Dean DeBlois, who wrote and directed the animated trilogy, has taken the pen once again and will also direct the upcoming feature film, which is set to hit the big…
11 films that have long been banned in Germany, and even a Marvel film is included
In Germany, films must be checked by the voluntary self-regulation of the film industry (FSK) and given an age rating before they are released. If the institution refuses to release…
The director of the pornographic film with Michel Houellebecq: “We signed a contract”
It is a film that should have animated the spring discussions of the small Germanopratin milieu. Directed by Stefan Ruitenbeek, Dutch artist, Kirac 27, which is scheduled for release on…