Tag: fat
Brutal facts: Apple cider vinegar does not burn fat, water with lemon does not weaken, cinnamon does not speed up metabolism! To lose weight…
Looking like models on the covers of magazines is everyone’s dream, without exception. But that doesn’t mean you can’t build a flat abs. If you want to lose weight and…
Get rid of belly fat in a week! It’s very simple to do
Some people can’t lose belly fat no matter how much they diet. If you are complaining about the regional lubrication in your belly area, you can apply the belly-melting mixture…
Superfoods that quickly convert fat into muscle that you must eat
In the winter season, most people inevitably start to gain weight. We would rather stay at home than go out because of the cold weather. This brings with it inactivity…
Burns belly fat blazingly! It is enough to eat 2 every morning.
The most well-known feature of apricot is to prevent constipation. Consuming dried apricots is a very effective method against constipation. Apricot is one of the low-calorie fruits. Every morning, 2…
Unbelievable but true: Your shampoo may be making you fat
Eating a lot of food alone doesn’t make you fat, according to a new study. As unbelievable as it may sound, it turned out that plastics in shampoo bottles make…
Does pasta make you fat?
Lovers of Italian cuisine regularly include it in their menus. However, for all those who watch their line, a question always arises: do they make you fat? Answers. Pasta is…
“Fat people skate well, cardboard cabaret”, a comedy to see at the Rond-Point theater
An incredible cardboard cabaret, a burlesque piece for two actors entitled Les gros patinent bien with Pierre Guillois and Olivier Martin-Salvan. The two friends had already won the Molière for…
Method that burns fat by accelerating metabolism: Winter weight should not be inevitable! Golden tips to get fit for summer
With the cold weather in winter, physical activity decreases and metabolism slows down. On top of that, when an increase in consumption of high-energy foods such as sweets and pastries…
Can the coronavirus infect fat cells?
A pre-published study suggests that the coronavirus can infect adipocytes and macrophages in fatty tissue. These results, if they are confirmed, would provide the first explanations for the serious and…
Eat more fat at noon than at night, is it a good idea?
The dinner is the subject of many received ideas. Fat or not fat? Fatter than at lunch? Can these recurring questions be resolved? Answers with Laurent Chevallier, nutritionist. The famous…