Tag: exchange
Ten years of growth and innovation: Top Utility 2022 rewards CAP Group
(Finance) – Ten years of growth, investments, research and innovation: the CAP Group, manager of the integrated water service of the metropolitan city of Milan, one of the most important…
IGD, 2021 net profit of 52.8 million euros. Back to the dividend
(Finance) – IGD SIIQone of the main players in Italy in the retail real estate sector and a company listed on Euronext STAR Milan, has registered gross rental income equal…
AXA, earnings more than doubled in 2021. Improved guidance
(Finance) – The French insurance group AXA has registered total revenue up 6% in 2021, with growth across all business lines. L’underlying profit increased by 61% to € 6.8 billion,…
Eni gas and light – Plenitude strengthens its renewables in the United States
(Finance) – Eni gas and light – Plenitude is strengthened in the USA in renewable energy, by purchasing through the subsidiary Eni New Energy US, two plants in Texas for…
Mercedes-Benz, positive 2021 results thanks to electric and luxury models
(Finance) – Mercedes-Benz registered a revenue of 168 billion euros in 2021 (154.3 billion euros in 2020). L’EBIT of the group was € 29.1 billion (€ 6.6 billion in 2020),…
FullSix closes 2021 in negative. Strategic repositioning continues
(Finance) – FullSixan Italian digital marketing and technology company listed on Euronext Milan, closed 2021 with Net revenues equal to Euro 5,381 thousand, with a negative change of Euro 93…
RFI, Fiorani: “Tenders launched for 19 billion euros in 2021”
(Finance) – “2021 was an incredibly positive year for our activities. We exceeded the € 5.7 billion SAL (Work Progress Status), 30% compared to the previous year. A production level…
Cattolica, Laura Santori resigns from the Board of Directors
(Finance) – Laura Santorinon-executive and independent director, has submitted the resignation from the Board of Directors Of Catholic. The resignation came for “professional commitments that do not allow the necessary…
Iliad: “the Jury’s speech on the commercial fiber offer was surprised”
(Finance) – “We are very surprised by the intervention of the Jury following the request presented by one of our competitors, since, as always, we communicate the characteristics of our…
Covid, Draghi: “We will not extend the state of emergency beyond March 31”
(Finance) – “The Government is aware of the fact that the strength of the recovery depends first of all on the ability to overcome the emergencies of the moment. The…