Tag: Economy
Infrastructures and the construction sector in Italy, criticalities and opportunities: the Eurispes survey
(Finance) – “One of the major obstacles to the participation of SMEs in the public procurement market in Italy is represented, as it is known, from the inefficiency of the…
CDP: shareholders’ meeting approves integrated financial statements, driven by sustainable growth
(Finance) – Encourage inclusive and sustainable growth and the creation of long-term value for the benefit of the community. This is the commitment of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) which…
CDP, meeting ok for 2021 financial statements. Dividend at 1.28 billion
(Finance) – The Shareholders’ Meeting of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) approved the financial statements as at 31 December 2021, which show a net profit of approximately € 2.37 billion.…
UK unemployment at 50-year low
Although the labor market is doing very well in the United Kingdom, it is not enough to counter the surge in inflation which is eating away at the rise in…
Saipem, shareholders’ meeting approves financial statements and capital increase of 2 billion
(Finance) – The shareholders’ meeting of Saipem approved, in the ordinary session, the 2021 financial statements which closed with a loss of 2.38 billion euros. In the Extraordinary session, the…
Elon Musk still demands guarantees on fake accounts before buying Twitter
Elon Musk persists and signs, he will not buy Twitter without guarantees that fake accounts and spam are drastically reduced. Elon Musk gave a layer this Tuesday via his account…
Gas, Eni opens accounts in ruble and euro at Gazprom Bank
(Finance) – Eniin view of the imminent payment deadlines scheduled for the next few days, has initiated “as a precaution“related procedurestoopening of two current accounts called K at Gazprom Bank,…
Somec buys own shares | Finance.it
(Finance) – Somec as part of the buy-back program launched on 9 May 2022, announced that it had purchasedfrom 9 to 13 May, overall 1,438 shares (equal to 0.02% of…
ADR, Troncone: “Intermodality among our strategic priorities”
(Finance) – “Intermodality tops the list of our strategic prioritiesdriven by the drive towards sustainability “. Thus Marco Troncone, Chief Executive Officer of Rome airportsat the event “Interconnection and intermodality…
A2A signs an agreement with MD to electrify 31 stores
(Finance) – A2A gives new impetus to electric mobility through the installation of columns recharges of electric cars at 31 stores of the MD chain. Thanks to the subsidiary A2A…