Tag: Economic policy
At Medef, the Martinez syndrome
In the play that French-style social dialogue has become, new actors are about to take the stage. It is with them that the government will have to refine the details…
The economy according to Matthieu Pigasse: “The debt is not the subject, we can erase part of it”
Matthieu Pigasse loves cartoons. One of his favourites, Beep Beep and Coyote. Well, here we are, in terms of economic conditions for the ex-star banker of Lazard: never have the…
“150,000 jobs at risk”: French industry victim of a triple penalty
Since the beginning of the decade, European industry has become fashionable again; we can only rejoice for the economy and employment. The pandemic and the necessary energy transition have highlighted…
Pensions, doctors, spelling: letters from L’Express readers
Pensions: the majority is not necessarily right Claude Renault, Quint-Fonsegrives (Haute-Garonne) “70% of French people are against pension reform; so it should not be done.” But it is normal that…
Is the European response to the American IRA up to par? Two experts debate
NO. “The results on the reindustrialization of Europe may not be there” By Alexandre Saubot, President of France Industry Making Europe a continent at the forefront of the fight against…
Pension reform: let’s put an end to all this cinema, by Jean-François Copé
The promulgation of the “pensions” law comes to close a now well-established ritual from which (real) pension reforms never escape. As in 1993, 1995, 2003 and 2010, that of 2023…
Industry: how to get out of Olson’s paradox? By Nicolas Bouzou
Olson’s paradox is one of the simplest and most powerful theorems in political economy. It tells us that individuals may wish to achieve a collective goal but never succeed because…
“It’s not Voltaire’s fault, it’s Macron’s fault!”: L’Express readers react to the news
Pensions: reform or chaos Claude Parera, Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) It’s not Voltaire’s fault, it’s Macron’s fault! Admittedly, the government lacked pedagogy and transparency, but didn’t the unions, from the start, state…
Pensions: “Bad method, failed reform”
Since 2008, social reforms have been the result of a well-oiled mechanism by the Larcher law, which requires consultation with the social partners, on the basis of a preliminary orientation…
In terms of energy policy, moral display has supplanted strategy, by Anne Rosencher
It is in a sober setting, far from the golds with which it sometimes knows how to adorn itself, that the Republic has just examined, for six months, the reasons…