Tag: dying
the citizens’ convention in favor of “active assistance in dying”
The citizens’ convention on the end of life delivered its first results on Sunday 19 February. The 180 citizens drawn by lot voted mainly in favor of “active assistance in…
Russia: and meanwhile, Alexei Navalny is dying…
What’s left, if not skin and bones? Humor, of course! It makes you wonder what wood Alexei Navalny is made of: imprisoned for two years in one of the worst…
His anger took over! He was dying because of the banana wrapped in a condom he ate.
An unidentified 34-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. The patient could not tolerate any food or drink and had not been able to…
More and more Japanese are dying without heirs, and this is not trivial
An additional sign of Japan’s demographic decline (and of the marriage crisis in this country), the state coffers recovered during the fiscal year ending at the end of March 2022…
The biggest flop of 2020 is dying
The beating MMO Marvel’s Avengers is about to end. Developers will soon end support and even stop digital sales. The biggest gaming flop of 2020 is disappearing from the market.…
Army dump is slowly dying out, but war in Ukraine causes peak period: ‘It has been storming for months’
Carla van Miltenburg (65) shows a broken army sleeping bag in her sewing workshop. “I will repair it and then it will be like new again. Ready for a second…
Player has 6,000 hours in Red Dead Online on the dying Stadia – developers say thank you with a box full of gifts
A player spent 6,000 hours playing Red Dead Redemption 2 on Google Stadia. When the platform closed, he feared for his progress and was afraid of losing everything. Now Rockstar…
People with dementia are at higher risk of dying from covid-19
Dementia treated in hospital run a 70 percent higher risk of dying from covid-19 compared to others treated for the disease in hospital, according to a new study at the…
“Many of our people are dead but even more Russians are dying”
There has been no effective ceasefire in Ukraine despite Moscow’s unilateral decision to pause the fighting for Orthodox Christmas. In the Donbass, the fighting is still fierce and deadly. In…
He was dying for sexual pleasure! Those who saw what came out of their bladder could not believe their eyes
An unnamed 12-year-old boy living in China conducted a bizarre sexual experiment with a thermometer. He was unable to remove the medical device after inserting it into his penis while…