Tag: drink
How long can you live without drinking?
Living without eating is difficult. But living without drinking is mission impossible. In less than 24 hours, our body already shows signs of dehydration. You will also be interested Live…
We often spill: Few people realize its benefit! When you drink it on an empty stomach, it’s another miracle.
Yogurt, which is now known by the world for its richness in calcium, probiotics and protein and is an indispensable part of Turkish cuisine, is a flavor that has managed…
The oldest known straws were made of gold and silver and were used to drink beer
The function of precious funerary objects discovered at the end of the 19thand century in Russia has been the subject of much speculation among archaeologists. These long silver and gold…
It could be a harbinger of a big problem! If you wake up at night and drink water…
For a healthy body, it is necessary to consume at least 2.5 liters of water per day. However, when we drink this water is as important as the water we…
How to choose and use a Japanese saw?
Very tight, the teeth of a Japanese saw are oriented towards the user, requiring the blade to be pulled to make a cut. For a flawless cut, the trapezoidal teeth…
Wood pellet: what is it?
Granules drink, or pellets of drink, are fuels from by-products of wood processing. These pellets are produced by refining, drying and compacting sawdust, chips, and sometimes even agricultural waste. They…
Video: What Happens In Your Body When You Drink Alcohol?
What is really going on in your body when you drink alcohol? Here is the answer in a few points. France is one of the biggest consumers ofalcohol in the…
Can we drink snow?
Consuming snow is tempting. When skiing, we exert ourselves, we sweat and we get dehydrated. Surrounded by all that solid water, sometimes it’s hard to resist. So, is it safe…
9 good reasons to drink 1.5L of water per day
Water remains the main constituent of the human body, with 60% of liquid present in the body. Drinking enough thus makes it possible to compensate for water losses and to…
How to differentiate dry wood from green wood?
For heating or carpentry, it is essential to use seasoned wood, otherwise the wood will emit more smoke or warp over time. Here’s how to check that your wood is…