Tag: doctor
Doctor nutritionist: when to consult, is it reimbursed?
Wanting to follow a diet or rebalance your diet requires support. A nutritionist doctor can help you when it comes to food. When to consult it? How to recognize a…
Swedish doctor testifies about the horrors of the war in Ukraine
Facts: Doctors Without Borders in Ukraine Currently, the aid organization has around 124 international employees in Ukraine who work together with around 686 local employees. Millions of people are in…
Physiotherapists, speech therapists, IPA: it will soon be possible to consult them without going through your doctor
News Published on 05/11/2023 at 5:34 p.m. Updated 05/11/2023 at 5:34 p.m. Reading 2 mins. On May 10, Parliament adopted a law allowing direct access to certain nurses, physiotherapists or…
Pulmonologist: everything you need to know about the lung doctor
A pulmonologist is a doctor who specializes in the lungs and respiratory tract (trachea, bronchus, diaphragm, etc.). When to go see it? How is a consultation carried out? What price…
Doctor in Umeå reported after several mistakes – identification in danger
The doctor who was active has worked at a health center in Umeå municipality since 2015. During that time, according to the report, he has made a large number of…
The key to long life! These anti-aging foods add life to your life
While there is no single food that can guarantee a long and healthy life, Dr. Michael Mosley shared that a food group can provide effective results for longevity. Dr. Mosley…
Patients without a doctor: Macron will mainly treat statistics, by Dr Rochoy
“I hope that the 600,000 French people with chronic illnesses who do not have a doctor will be able to have them by the end of the year”. This announcement,…
The doctor who treated the runners didn’t even exist – heavy weapons are being used to eradicate Kenya’s doping problem
Cheating doping testers requires more and more cunning methods from athletes who are hungry for success, but many still dare to try regardless of the risks. Often there is a…
If you wake up like this in the morning, watch out! Significant sign of cancer
Early diagnosis and correct treatment are of vital importance in lung cancer, which has the highest rank in cancer-related deaths. While diagnosing cancer in its early stages can be challenging,…
Here the doctor lies about dangerous breast augmentation – filmed with a hidden camera
Despite the fact that the filler Los Deline has harmed women both in Sweden and abroad, it continues to be marketed as completely harmless. One of the owners of the…