Tag: disease
Lyme disease risk area identified in Elgin County: Public health
Officials with the public health agency for Oxford and Elgin counties are urgent residents to familiarize themselves with the risks of ticks and Lyme disease before heading outdoors this spring.…
Mad cow disease: symptoms, human, incubation
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) better known as “mad cow disease” is a degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system. Symptoms are similar to those of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Transmissible to humans,…
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: what is it, what symptoms?
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a rare neurodegenerative pathology, from the family of prion diseases, which is manifested in particular by dementia. It can be “sporadic”, hereditary or “acquired” (iatrogenic, mad cow…
Eating spinach like Popeye is like a cure for that disease
According to a study, eating spinach like Popeye not only makes you stronger, it can also protect you from dementia. Researchers found that people with high levels of three important…
Mysterious disease panic in the world! New statement from WHO: At least…
In the world, there is a panic of mysterious hepatitis disease seen in children after the coronavirus pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the number of children with…
Eye selfies: an application could soon detect Alzheimer’s disease and ADHD
News Posted 8 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. In California, researchers have developed a completely revolutionary application. It would, through eye selfies, assess cognitive health and prevent certain neurological diseases.…
Alzheimer’s disease: does the mobile phone increase the risk?
News Posted 1 day ago, Reading 2 mins. Alzheimer’s disease is progressing rapidly around the world: 49 million people affected in 2015, 75 million expected for 2030. Today, a study…
Good news for people with this disabling hand disease
Dupuytren’s disease, unknown to the general public, is nevertheless quite common. At an advanced stage, it creates a handicap of the hand by causing an irreversible contracture of the fingers.…
New epidemic threat! Mysterious disease continues to die
After the coronavirus epidemic, this time there is a mysterious hepatitis panic. In Indonesia, 3 children died in April due to mysterious hepatitis (liver inflammation). 3 CHILDREN LOSE LIVES According…
A video game to help detect Alzheimer’s disease earlier
News Published on 02/05/2022 at 4:48 p.m., Reading 2 mins. A video game to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease? The idea seems absurd but it has nevertheless proven itself. The Sea Hero…