Tag: Destiny
Huge help from Halo and Destiny maker Bungei
After the earthquake disaster, game companies are doing their best to help. Bungei has not forgotten our country either. Unfortunately, we are very sorry for the earthquake disaster that severely…
Destiny 2 today introduces the new expansion “Lightfall” – we are there live
Destiny 2 has the biggest and most interesting presentation of Lightfall – the ViDoc. There, players will be able to learn a lot of new things about the upcoming DLC…
Oops, Destiny 2 awards best fan art – but it’s not by a fan, it’s by the AI
Studio Bungie has admitted a mistake. They honored a Destiny 2 artwork as Art of the Week, but the winning image was not of a fan, it was of an…
Destiny 2: Weekly Reset on 2/14
Today the last two weeks of Season 19 begin in Destiny 2 and that promises you new content. The final story development before the end of “Season of the Seraph”…
Destiny 2’s new ability pulls at the strings of reality
In Destiny 2, it’s only a little over 2 weeks until the Guardians will don their new Strang garb. Among other changes, the new subclass is by far the most…
6 Destiny 2 Weapons You Should Get Before Lightfall
Lightfall will soon be released in Destiny 2 and with it more content will be shipped to the Content Vault. Items, armor and weapons can then no longer be obtained…
Studio behind Destiny demands millions in fines for cheat providers
Bungie, the developers behind Destiny 1 and 2 are waging a fierce battle against many cheat providers and cheaters who dare to cheat in their games. The current case of…
Destiny 2 introduces its new Strand ability
Destiny 2 is slowly getting into the hot phase until the new DLC “Lightfall” is released. We therefore met with Bungie for an interview in order to be able to…
Night of Destiny: date, meaning, how does it happen?
What does Night of Destiny mean? How does it take place and when does it take place? We take stock of this evening considered sacred by all Muslims. Summary THE…
Destiny 2 nerfs your favorite boss weapons in Lightfall and updates Exotics
Only a few weeks left and Destiny 2 will reveal the new DLC “Lightfall”. So that everything is consistent there, Bungie is now tackling the heavy weapon meta after the…