Tag: demand
Russian local politicians demand Putin’s resignation
The basis for the local politicians’ protest is that they have come to the realization that Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine is harming Russia. – It is clear that it…
Critics demand that MontanaBlack is never allowed to go to gamescom again after appearing with 35 security people
German twitch streamer Marcel “MontanaBlack” Eris made a tremendous appearance at gamescom 2022 with a security entourage of 35 bodyguards and around 500 fans in tow. A young woman is…
IEA, oil demand hit by China lockdown and slowdown in the OECD area
(Finance) – The global oil demand growth continues to decelerateweighed down by renewed Chinese lockdowns and from the continuous slowdown in the OECD area. This is partly offset by the…
Demand to get riot leader’s skull to Kenya
Published: Just now full screen A Kenyan people’s group wants the remains of a rebel leader back, a question they say can only be asked after the death of Queen…
Bengan Johansson’s unknown demand list for all Bengan Boys players is the best we’ve seen – here are all 17 points
Bengan Johansson was one of our greatest leaders.The achievements of the Bengan Boys era are hard to top.His incredible leadership is proven not least by his list of demands to…
Gulf countries demand Netflix remove content deemed ‘un-Islamic’
The Gulf countries have asked the Netflix streaming platform to remove from its catalog in the region content deemed “ contrary to Islamic and societal values “, without giving details,…
The young supporter’s sudden coup during Frida Karlsson’s comeback in football – gave an unexpected demand to her mother
Frida Karlsson made an unexpected comeback on the soccer field.Then something unexpected was heard from a young supporter on the side of the field. Frida Karlsson is not only one…
The party secretary of the Sweden Democrats does not consider the demand to enter the government to be unreasonable
Swedish parliamentary elections will be held in a week. Party secretary of the Sweden Democrats by Richard Jomshof think it would be a reasonable requirement that the party be involved…
SSU’s demand: Keep the Center Party out of Andersson’s government
– It’s cute that they want to be in a government with us, but we in SSU don’t want them in the same government. The biggest problem is that we…
Fear of energy cuts for French companies: “Balancing supply and demand”
The French head of state, and several ministers, met this Friday to address the energy crisis that is looming this winter. Several measures or decisions should result from this Defense…