Tag: decree
International taxation, draft Legislative Decree: new employer requirement for repatriates waived
(Finance) – The obligation for workers who benefit from the bonus for brain reentry to have a new employment relationship with a person other than the employer where they were…
Advances Decree, accountants: appreciation for the amendment on accounting experts
(Finance) – Il National Council of Accountants expressed his satisfaction with the approval of theamendment signed by Senator Mario Occhiuto which extends the possibility of filing financial statements and other…
Fuels, the Lazio Regional Administrative Court cancels the Mimit decree on the obligation to display prices
(Finance) – Il TAR of Lazio annulled the decree with which the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy on 31 March established the methods for the obligation of operators…
Advances Decree, Anief: from the recovery of arrested salaries to hiring, the news
(Finance) – Recovery of contractual holiday allowance arrears, double channel, unrestricted mobility on 100% of positions, transfer of positions to the workforce by right in derogation of support, option on…
A new decree now authorizes speed cameras to fine up to 15 different offenses. Enough to pave the way for ultimate devices at the cutting edge of technology. You will not escape their vigilance!
A new decree now authorizes speed cameras to fine up to 15 different offenses. Enough to pave the way for ultimate devices at the cutting edge of technology. You will…
Tax, Council of Ministers: green light for the legislative decree on assessment and biennial settlement
(Finance) – The Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, approved, in preliminary examination, a legislative decree which he will introduce provisions…
Joe Biden issued an important decree for artificial intelligence
President of the United States Joe Biden, A very important decree for the world of artificial intelligence published. Artificial intelligence systems, which are booming especially at the end of 2022…
“Caivano Decree”, ANIEF: from double scoring to institute sizing, the news
(Finance) – From the exceptions to the sizing to be implemented for schools in the South, to the double scoring for teachers for the purposes of requesting mobility up to…
Leo: implementing decree with Irpef and mini-Ires on Monday
(Finance) – “On Monday, we will bring the decree on the global minimum tax to the Council of Ministers, with provisions on international taxation regarding the residence of people and…
Taxi, protest against Asset decree: strike called for 10 October
(Finance) – Taxis stopped on October 10th to protest against the Asset decree, which became law today. An omnibus measure – take the union back Usb Taxi – “unsurprisingly prepared…