Advances Decree, Anief: from the recovery of arrested salaries to hiring, the news

Scuola Anief Decreto PA bis approvato emendamento dirigenti scolastici asteriscati

(Finance) – Recovery of contractual holiday allowance arrears, double channel, unrestricted mobility on 100% of positions, transfer of positions to the workforce by right in derogation of support, option on full career reconstruction or service actually performed, confirmation of roles of dismissed teachers hired from competitions with reservations, direct access for three-year graduates to TFA support, exemptions on the sizing of municipalities with less than 3 thousand inhabitants. The amendments to the Advances Decree requested by Anief were presented at Palazzo Madama.

“Once again the action of the young union is decisive in the parliamentary debate: also on the examination of the related to the budget bill, with Act no. 912 it is examining the Legislative Decree of 18 October 2023, no. 145 and renamed decree “Advances” law, we are there; because the good of the school comes first”, he commented Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief.

The role of fifth Senate Budget Committee, which is examining the Legislative Decree of 18 October 2023, n. 145 and accepting the proposals to modify the text. There are many amendments for the school, many of which were requested by the Anief union. Of particular note is the amendment which provides for the full recovery of the contractual holiday allowance for all employees and the extension of the allowance to temporary workers, the double channel for recruiting temporary teachers from GPS, the abolition of restrictions on mobility of staff, access to the expanded TFA support, confirmation in the roles of teachers hired with reserve, the integration of the rankings of the extraordinary competition, the adaptation of the staff in derogation to the staff by right on support positions and the option career reconstruction.
